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SFF Author: Katherine Langrish

Katherine Langrish fantasy authorKatherine Langrish grew up in Yorkshire, and has always loved reading and writing stories. As a child her favourite books were the seven ‘Chronicles of Narnia’ by C S Lewis. They inspired her to begin writing her own ‘Narnia’ stories in an old blue notebook, and she decided to try and become an author when she grew up. She kept on writing, studied English at university, married, had children and went to live in France near the edge of the Forest of Fontainebleau, where she ran a storytelling group for children. She later lived in America before returning to England and writing ‘Troll Fell’, the first book of the Troll Saga. She enjoys researching the historical background for her folklore-based fantasies – for her latest book, ‘Troll Blood’, she spent a week sailing and rowing a replica Viking Age ship on Roskilde Fjord, Denmark. Katherine now lives near Oxford and writes full-time. Read excerpts and play the Troll Fell game at Katherine Langrish’s website.


Troll Fell: A bit pallid but for Norse background

Troll Fell by Katherine Langrish

Troll Fell is a decent young adult book whose Norse background gives a more fresh feel to an otherwise relatively mundane plot and set of characters. Younger readers will most likely enjoy it if not be inspired or captured by it; older readers won’t find much to chew on.

The story follows young Peer Ulfsson who upon his father’s death is grabbed up (literally) by a pair of wicked ogrish uncles for their own hidden reasons, the most transparent of which is to use him as free labor at their run-down mill,

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After: Like panning for gold

After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia by editors Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling

When I saw the new Datlow and Windling anthology After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia, I was so excited. I love YA fiction, I love dyslit, I love short story anthologies and I love Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling as editors, so I figured it was a match made in heaven. Unfortunately, my reading experience didn’t live up to my expectations.

After is an anthology of short stories set after.

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Next SFF Author: Joe R. Lansdale
Previous SFF Author: Michele Lang

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  1. Marion Deeds
  2. So happy to hear that you enjoyed this article, Spacewaves! It was something of a labor of love for me,…

March 2025