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SFF Author: Michele Lang

Michele Lang Michele Lang writes paranormal tales set in contemporary and futuristic places: the stories of witches, lawyers, goddesses, cops, bankers, demons, and other magical creatures hidden in plain sight. She is a graduate of Harvard Law School, and in addition to writing fiction, Michele has practiced the unholy craft of litigation in both Connecticut and New York.

She lives and works in a house by the sea near New York City. Here’s Michele Lang’s website.


Lady Lazarus: Elegant and elegiac

Lady Lazarus by Michele Lang

Lady Lazarus by Michele Lang is a historical fantasy set just before the beginning of World War II, in a slightly skewed version of our world. What makes it skewed is that in this alternate history, magic exists and plays a major role in world events. For example, Hitler’s werewolves are literal here.

Perhaps Lang’s most controversial decision is that Hitler is in league with, and sometimes possessed by, a demon. Some readers may see this as a cop-out.

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Dark Victory: Impossible to put down, once the action starts

Dark Victory by Michele Lang

Magda Lazarus has killed Adolf Hitler’s pet wizard, the Staff, but not before the Staff stole a fragment of the powerful Book of Raziel and used magic to reconstitute a corrupted version that is now in the hands of the Reich. Dark Victory begins as the invasion of Poland is imminent, and Magda is trying to decide on her next course of action.

In the early chapters, it seemed that Dark Victory wouldn’t be as compelling as Lady Lazarus.

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Next SFF Author: Katherine Langrish
Previous SFF Author: Sarah Langan

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  1. Marion Deeds
  2. So happy to hear that you enjoyed this article, Spacewaves! It was something of a labor of love for me,…

March 2025