CLASSIFICATION: Set in 1812 during the French invasion of Russia — specifically the Battle of Borodino, the capture and fires of Moscow, the retreat from Moscow, and the Battle of Berezina — with the primary antagonists being vampires, Twelve is much like the book describes itself… a vibrant blend of detailed historical fiction and heart-stopping supernatural horror. I was reminded of a cross between a Bernard Cornwell novel, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles,
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I like the analysis of the artwork here--detailed and thoughtful. Thanks for sharing this review!
Please contact me Scott I know who got us away and contacted social services.
Thanks for the kind words, George! And no, I have only read the nine Taine books that I have reviewed…
Great review! I agree this book had some entertaining parts, and the final section with the invading crystals was very…
This book made no sense to me at all. I was hoping for some explanations at the end but it…