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SFF Author: Morgan Howell

Morgan HowellMorgan Howell is the penname of children’s author Will Hubbell. He spent five years in the army and says that this experience influences his writing. He and his wife now lives in upstate New York. Read excerpts of Morgan Howell’s novels at his website.


King’s Property: A little bit too much luck

King’s Property by Morgan Howell

King’s Property is the first book in the Queen of the Orcs series, and Morgan Howell’s first novel. For a story in which the author does such a good job of depicting the harsh realities of the setting, he sure lets the main character, Dar, skate out of bad situation after bad situation to a point where it’s just a bit too much. The explanations for each magic escape work, but it needs to change to a point where Dar takes fewer risks,

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Clan Daughter: Weak follow-up

Clan Daughter by Morgan Howell

After reading King’s Property, the first book in the Orc series, I could see a lot of room for improvement.

The main character, Dar, was really hard to enjoy reading about and she was just a little too lucky a little too often for my taste.

Book two… Wow, can you say “more of the same”? And 80% of the book is a boring journey which sets the stage for interspecies love and actions on the part of the Orc mothers that totally contradicts everything we have been told about them.

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Next SFF Author: Hugh Howey
Previous SFF Author: Katherine Howe

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