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SFF Author: Matt Forbeck

Matt ForbeckMatt Forbeck has worked full-time as a writer and game designer since 1989. He has designed board games, collectible card games, roleplaying games, and miniatures games and has written comic books, computer games, magazines, novels, nonfiction, screenplays, and short fiction. He lives in Beloit, Wisconsin, with his wife Ann and their five children. Visit Matt Forbeck’s website for more details.


Amortals: One helluva sci-fi thriller

Amortals by Matt Forbeck

It’s year 2168, and Secret Service agent Ronan Dooley is investigating a savage homicide, of which he happens to be the victim. In fact, this is the eighth time Agent Dooley has died in the service of his country.

Several of Ronan’s lifetimes ago, he took a bullet meant for the president. His heroic death won him the honor of becoming the first participant in Project Amortal: a medical procedure where the deceased’s mind and memories are downloaded into the brain of an exact clone. The project was initially intended for heads-of-state or those whose public service had proven exceptional,

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Vegas Knights: Silly but fun

Vegas Knights by Matt Forbeck

The cover of Matt Forbeck’s Vegas Knights describes the novel as “Harry Potter meets Ocean’s Eleven,” but it may be slightly more accurate (if not quite as effective, marketing-wise) to replace Harry Potter with Lev Grossman’s The Magicians. Vegas Knights’ main characters, Bill and Jackson, are two college students on Spring Break in Las Vegas. Sounds fairly normal — except the topic of their studies is magic,

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Carpathia: A ship full of vampires

Carpathia by Matt Forbeck

So it’s April 1912, and here I am aboard R.M.S. Titanic, on her maiden voyage. By heaven, she’s a lovely ship! Big, too. But I’m a little worried we’re getting rather close to that iceberg. Oh I say, we’ve struck it! Not to worry, old man, everyone knows this ship is unsinkable. What’s that? We’re sinking anyway? Dash the luck! Off to the lifeboats then. What do you mean, there’s no more room? Blimey. Rest assured I’ll write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about this!

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Next SFF Author: Jeffrey Ford
Previous SFF Author: Phil and Kaja Foglio

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