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SFF Author: Chris D'Lacey

Chris d'LaceyChris d’Lacey (born 1954) writes books for children of all ages, but is best known for his series The Last Dragon Chronicles which have sold nearly four million copies worldwide. He was born in Malta, but has absolutely no memory of the island and has never been back. Most of his life has been lived in Leicester, England. He now lives in Devon, England.

His early ambition was to be a songwriter, and he did not begin writing fiction until he was in his early thirtie



The Fire Within: Charmingly whimsical

The Fire Within by Chris d’Lacey

The Fire Within is the opening book of Chris d’Lacey’s Last Dragon Chronicles. Interestingly enough, despite the series’ title, and the dragon on the cover, there are surprisingly few dragons in the book. In fact, one could make an argument that the dominant creatures are squirrels. Yes, squirrels. But somehow, it works (dragons play a much larger role in succeeding books).

The novel begins when David, a college student, takes a room with the Pennykettles — mother Liz and young daughter Lucy.

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Icefire: Older, darker, more complicated

Icefire by Chris d’Lacey

Icefire is Chris d’Lacey’s second book in the Last Dragon Chronicles, following up on The Fire Within and continuing the story of David, the Pennykettles (Liz and Lucy), and the clay dragons that are much more than they appear. The Fire Within seems a wholly different construct from the succeeding novels — simpler, lighter in tone, feeling a bit younger in terms of target audience. Icefire begins the shift toward older,

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Fire Star & The Fire Eternal: Too much going on

Fire Star &  The Fire Eternal by Chris d’ Lacey

Books three and four in Chris d’Lacey’s The Last Dragon Chronicles are The Fire Eternal and Fire Star respectively. I’ve reviewed the first two separately, but as these two share many of the same problems, I’ve decided to review them together.

The first book, The Fire Within, introduced the major characters and the basic premise of the Last Dragon, Gawain,

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  1. Marion Deeds
  2. So happy to hear that you enjoyed this article, Spacewaves! It was something of a labor of love for me,…

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