The Devil Inside by Jenna Black
I checked out The Devil Inside from the library, read the first few chapters, and then ended up simply forgetting to pick the book up again. Eventually I got an overdue notice from the library, which often results in my either renewing the book or hurrying up and reading it before returning it. Instead, I simply took The Devil Inside back to the library without regret. It took me a while to put my finger on why I lost interest,
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I’m only a few chapters in but, if Wheeler’s selling this “Medium” as an analogy for his concept of a…
COMMENT As someone who has needed to have a precancerous sun growth removed from his forehead, Marion, I couldn't agree…
Our sentient sun is mean!
Shoot, I just handed the book on so I can't check, but I think this book takes places sooner than…
Is this part of the "New Management" branch of the Laundry Files? As in, has the Elder God Nyarlahotep taken…