This American Medical Association site is a good resource for information on avian flu. Currently at least three reports scheduled for publication by the CDC are being stalled by the administration, and the Centers’ most recent weekly report had avian flu data removed from it.
Tongayi Charisa (Crispin) and Alyssa Jirells (Moira) talk about their characters in Mayfair Witches, Season Two, on AMC. Variety has some images from the new season.
Reactor offered a nice column on why we need fantasy forests. A link in it led me to Wikipedia’s Superlative Trees page, well worth a few minutes of your time.
As part of its deep dive into The Dark Descent, Reactor also reviews an old ghost tale by Charles Dickens (he wrote a few of them).
Nerds of a Feather review Altacama by Jendia Gammon. If you loved the X-Files, it sounds like this is for you.
Ruth Ella Moore was a microbiologist, one of the first Black women to be awarded a Ph.d.
All you need to know about bird flu is that there is no human to human transmission case and never has been. Farmers already know they could be at risk and are taking protections. Anything else is scaremongering.