In the coming weeks, if you find something interesting you think everyone should read, drop me a line via the contact form and let me know, or just post it below. Let’s get started:

fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews1) The Disney John Carters That Never Were: A surprisingly detailed article about the John Cart journey into film.

2) The dark elf of Leominster: A nice article on R.A. Salvatore. Though I think it’s safe to say if you haven’t heard of Salvatore, then you don’t read Fantasy.

3) Dungeons & Dragons 5th d. coming, fan input wanted: A Dribble of Ink provides a heads up that Tor is looking for some input on the D & D edition.

4) Hugo Award nominations have begun: So it begins. And since we’re on the subject: Fantasy Literature is eligible to be nominated for Best Fanzine, and any of our reviewers can be nominated for Best Fan Writer. If you enjoy our blog, and/or one or more of our writers, please consider us when you send in your nominations!

5) Dystopian science-fiction films of the 1970s : Ever wanted to watch 70’s dystopian SciFi and didn’t know where to begin. Well, here you go.

6) Poor Morales: Werst revu evar.


  • Justin Blazier

    JUSTIN BLAZIER (on FanLit's staff since September 2009) is a Cyber-Security Analyst/Network Engineer located in Northern Kentucky. Like many fantasy enthusiasts, Justin cut his teeth on authors like Tolkien, Anthony, and Lewis. Due to lack of space, his small public library would often give him their donated SFF books. When he is not reading books he is likely playing board games or Tabletop RPGs. Justin lives in a quiet neighborhood with his wife, their daughter, and Norman the dog.

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