Just an hour ago Sir Terry Pratchett‘s publisher, Larry Finlay, announced Terry’s death. He was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer’s Disease in 2007, but found ways to continue writing even after he lost the ability to type.

Terry Pratchett's last Tweets.

Terry Pratchett’s last Tweets.

Terry Pratchett will be remembered for his DISCWORLD novels especially. Though they may seem like goofy satires and parodies, they are always deeply thoughtful and often emotionally striking. And they almost always include more pithy phrasing than any one person should have been allowed to craft.

Pratchett was an innovator. He was quick to embrace the computer and to use the internet in his writing and for interacting with his audience. He was a defender of scientific thought and methods, and wrote more than one “Science of Discworld.” He was an advocate for assisted dying and was enthusiastic about cats, orangutans, and astronomy.

Fans are encouraged to donate to a special account at the Research Institute to the Care of Older People (RICE).

Readers, what did you love most about Terry Pratchett? What are your thoughts about him today?

One commenter will choose a book from our stacks. We even have one or two from Sir Terry to choose from.


  • Ryan Skardal

    RYAN SKARDAL, on our staff from September 2010 to November 2018, is an English teacher who reads widely but always makes time for SFF.

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