Wood Sprites by Wen Spencer fantasy book reviewsWood Sprites by Wen Spencer fantasy book reviewsWood Sprites by Wen Spencer

Wood Sprites (2014) is the fourth installment in Wen Spencer’s ELFHOME series. You’ll want to read the previous books (Tinker, Wolf Who Rules, and Elfhome) first.

Wood Sprites takes a surprising turn—one that, frankly, the series needed. Instead of following Tinker’s storyline, we return to Earth and meet two precocious nine-year-old twins, Louise and Jillian, who discover that they were conceived through in vitro fertilization. In fact, they were leftover embryos—which means they must have unknown siblings somewhere. When they hack into various computer systems and uncover the existence of other unused embryos from the same batch which are about to be destroyed, they launch a mission to save their unborn siblings.

Fortunately, the twins are prodigies—brilliant, resourceful, fluent in multiple languages, and more competent than nearly every adult they encounter. They even grasp quantum physics. Their intelligence, knowledge, and skills require a hefty suspension of disbelief, but they’re so amusing that it’s easy to go along with it. Their antics—hacking into banks and other high-security systems, becoming famous internet influencers, stealing precious artifacts from famous museums—all while dealing with middle school girl drama, are totally absurd and totally entertaining. Unfortunately, I found the twins indistinguishable from each other and often had trouble keeping them straight. But as a unit, they worked, so it didn’t bother me too much.ELFHOME series by Wen Spencer

As readers will immediately suspect—and as Louise and Jillian eventually discover—the twins (along with the other embryos) are Tinker’s siblings. This connection ties Wood Sprites back to the rest of the ELFHOME series.

The addition of these lively new characters was a welcome change. As I mentioned in my review of Elfhome, I was getting tired of the brutal, horrific, and sometimes gross events of the previous books. At first, the lively tone of Wood Sprites was a refreshing shift—but, like the rest of the series, it eventually takes a much darker turn.

Eager to see how the twins would shake up the story, I started the fifth book, Harbinger. Unfortunately, it got bogged down with all the previous storylines, and the tone felt much more like the first three books than Wood Sprites. Eventually I got bored and quit.

Tanya Eby continues to do a nice job with the narration of the audio editions of ELFHOME which are produced by Audible Studios.

Published in 2014. Even though they attend a school of gifted students in New York City, child geniuses Louise Mayer and her twin sister Jillian have always felt alone in the world, isolated by their brilliance. Shortly before their ninth birthday, they make an amazing discovery. They’re not alone. Their real mother was astronaut Esme Shenske and their father was the famous inventor, Leonardo Dufae. They have an older sister, Alexander, living on the planet of Elfhome, and four siblings still in cryogenic storage at the fertility center. There’s only one problem: the frozen embryos are scheduled to be destroyed within six months. The race is on to save their baby brother and sisters. As a war breaks out on Elfhome and riots start in New York City, the twins use science and magic to plow over everything standing in their way. But when they come face to face with an ancient evil force, they’re soon in over their heads in danger.


  • Katherine Hooper

    KAT HOOPER, who started this site in June 2007, earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience and psychology at Indiana University (Bloomington) and now teaches and conducts brain research at the University of North Florida. When she reads fiction, she wants to encounter new ideas and lots of imagination. She wants to view the world in a different way. She wants to have her mind blown. She loves beautiful language and has no patience for dull prose, vapid romance, or cheesy dialogue. She prefers complex characterization, intriguing plots, and plenty of action. Favorite authors are Jack Vance, Robin Hobb, Kage Baker, William Gibson, Gene Wolfe, Richard Matheson, and C.S. Lewis.

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