fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviewsbook review Bruce Coville Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon HatcherJeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville

For kids who are too young for the complex Harry Potter series, and yet interested in fantasy stories, then Bruce Coville’s Magic Shop books might be the thing to hook them up with. Each book is based on a basic premise: a young child with the usual kid problems (home trouble, bullies, crushes, angry teachers, etc) stumble across Mr Elives’ Magic Shop, and leave with an unusual purchase that creates more trouble for them, but ultimately teaches them important lessons.

In this case, Jeremy Thatcher escapes two bullies, the resentful nature of his art teacher and the unwanted affections of Mary Lou by ducking into the Magic Shop, where Mr Elives gruffly allows him to take home a strange glistening sphere with a sheet of mysterious instructions — it would seem Jeremy is about to hatch a dragon’s egg! With the tiny dragonlet Tiamat born, but growing steadily by the day, Jeremy gains more confidence against the problems in his life, as well as more creative flair with the inspiration that Tiamat magically places in his mind’s eye.

Obviously, a baby dragon in the house is not as easy as it sounds, and even though only Jeremy can see her, Tiamat is still able to manipulate circumstances around her with her fiery breath. But Tiamat must eventually return home to her own world, and along with the mysterious, beautiful Miss Priest and Mr Elives, Jeremy participates in the ritual to send her to the “dragon-world”. Despite the loss however, Jeremy has found a new outlook on life, had old friendships tested and new ones forged, and come to understand a spiteful teacher better.

With little dashes of real dragon lore mingled in with his own creative liberties, Coville makes the world natural enough for belief to be suspended, although as an older reader, I would dearly like to know more about the Shop, its owner and its associate Miss Priest. Who are they really? How do they pick the children they give gifts to? How does the Shop move around? If he wished, Coville could make these short but sweet stories into something much more deep and interesting.

As I said, the Magic Shop books are great for younger readers, with enough of the every-day troubles to relate to, and enough of the fantasy elements to fire their own imaginations. Its also worth mentioning that if you’re a part of a country that receives the Great Britain copies of these books, there are some wonderful new covers to behold by the artist Tony Diterlizzi, best know for his illustrations in the Spiderwick Chronicles, that beautifully capture the children’s personalities and their magical companions.

Magic Shop Books — (1982-2003) Ages 9-12. Publisher: Mr Elives’ Magic Shop seems to appear from nowhere — and disappears again just as fast! Never in the same place twice, it sells only the most exclusive wares… A talking toad, anyone? A dragon’s egg? There’s plenty to choose from… When Russell buys a magic ring from weird Mr Elives, he’s told it will turn him into a monster. Just the thing for school! Russell’s sure it’s all a stupid trick — until he whispers the chant, twists the ring and begins to sprout horns… At first it’s fun changing from boy to monster and back again, but Russell hasn’t paid proper attention to the instructions — and now he’s gone too far…

fantasy book reviews science fiction book reviews Bruce Coville Magic Shop Books 1. The Monster's Ring 2. Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher 3. Jennifer Murdley's Toad 4. The Skull of Truth ( Charlie Eggleston's Talking Skull) 6. Juliet Dove, Queen of Love Bruce Coville Magic Shop Books 1. The Monster's Ring 2. Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher 3. Jennifer Murdley's Toad 4. The Skull of Truth ( Charlie Eggleston's Talking Skull) 6. Juliet Dove, Queen of Love science fiction, fantasy, horror, YA, and comic book and audiobook reviews Bruce Coville Magic Shop Books 1. The Monster's Ring 2. Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher 3. Jennifer Murdley's Toad 4. The Skull of Truth ( Charlie Eggleston's Talking Skull) 6. Juliet Dove, Queen of Love

Outside the US, The Monster’s Ring may be published as Russell Troy, Monster Boy and The Skull of Truth may be published as Charlie Eggleston’s Talking Skull.


  • Rebecca Fisher

    REBECCA FISHER, with us since January 2008, earned a Masters degree in literature at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Her thesis included a comparison of how C.S. Lewis and Philip Pullman each use the idea of mankind’s Fall from Grace to structure the worldviews presented in their fantasy series. Rebecca is a firm believer that fantasy books written for children can be just as meaningful, well-written and enjoyable as those for adults, and in some cases, even more so. Rebecca lives in New Zealand. She is the winner of the 2015 Sir Julius Vogel Award for Best SFF Fan Writer.

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