Dragon Avenger, the second installment in E.E. Knight’s Age of Fire, is a worthy addition to a good young adult series. This story’s protagonist is the sister of Auron, the main character of the first book (Dragon Champion). Using an easy-to-follow storyline, Knight incorporates characters and concepts from his first book into the second.
Wistala has to forge a path in a world that is prejudiced against dragons — just like her brother did. She finds similar challenges and impediments, but ultimately finds enough allies to help her grow and learn. This is not challenging, demanding storytelling in any sense, but just a fun easy to read book.
Knight keeps the story light — it’s not graphically violent and contains no themes that are too strong for a younger reader. Dragon Avenger is fun, exciting, and light enough to make for a quick rollick from a dragon’s perspective.
Age of Fire — (2005-2013) Young adult. Publisher: After escaping those who killed his siblings, Young Auron, a rare, defenseless gray dragon, fears he might be the last of his breed. Armed with nothing but his claws and a boundless determination to survive, he sets off in search of his kind. But to find other dragons — or, at least, find out who’s killing them off — Auron will have to search a world of mercenary elves, vicious humans, and dangers of all kinds. Finding allies in the strangest places — and himself along the way — Auron is on the trek of a lifetime.
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