Arrow’s Fall by Mercedes Lackey fantasy book reviewsArrow’s Fall by Mercedes Lackey fantasy book reviewsArrow’s Fall by Mercedes Lackey

Arrow’s Fall (1988) is the third and final novel in the first trilogy of Mercedes Lackey’s VALDEMAR saga (THE HERALDS OF VALDEMAR). This trilogy features Talia, a girl who lived in a close-knit conservative rural area who was unexpectedly chosen as the Queen’s Own Herald. In Arrows of the Queen and Arrow’s Flight we watched Talia come to the heralds’ collegium, learn to be a herald, and go out on her first circuit of the kingdom. She has grown and matured in many ways since the beginning of her adventure.

Now, in Arrow’s Fall, Talia is back at the queen’s side, taking her designated place on the queen’s council and dispensing her wise-beyond-her-years-and-experience advice. (I have never believed in Talia’s wisdom.) The main topic for discussion on the council these days is princess Elspeth’s marriage. An excellent match must be made and there are various possibilities. When the prince of a neighboring kingdom is offered, Talia and Kris decide to go check him out. That’s when disaster strikes.

Heralds of Valdemar (3 Book Series) by Mercedes LackeyMercedes Lackey is brutal to her characters in this final novel of the trilogy. Be prepared for some very unpleasant moments (including torture and rape) and for an ending where not everyone lives happily ever after. Be prepared also for lots of angst and brooding by Talia, who is still worrying about misusing her magic, and by Dirk who is in love with Talia but thinks she and Kris are a couple.

For most readers who love Lackey’s characters and want to know how Talia’s story ends, Arrow’s Fall will probably be successful (though many will object to what Lackey puts them through in this novel).

Readers who are feeling more critical will find several things to complain about. The villains are absurdly over-the-top and one-dimensional. The character who is tortured and raped gets over it a bit too quickly. And some of the plot just doesn’t make sense. Arrow’s Fall by Mercedes Lackey fantasy book reviewsWhy do Talia and Kris go by themselves to visit Prince Ancar (why not take some soldiers)? How is that the villains (who have secret knowledge about the inside workings of the Valdemar court) don’t know more about what the Companions are capable of? Why don’t Talia, Kris, and Dirk talk to each other to straighten out their relationship problems? Why does Dirk not notice that Talia and Kris are hardly together? And the life-bond thing? I just don’t believe in that at all (nor do I find it romantic) and it feels like just an excuse to create a love-triangle. If Talia and Dirk really loved each other, wouldn’t they seek each other out and spend time together? If they did, they’d quickly figure things out. These are the same sorts of problems I’ve noted in other VALDEMAR stories.

Despite all of the bad stuff Lackey’s characters go through, Arrow’s Fall has a sweet ending that’s satisfying.

The new (2018) audio versions of this trilogy are great. They’re produced by Tantor Audio and narrated by Christa Lewis. If you’re a fan of these books, this would be a great way re-read them.

Published in 1988 (print) and 2018 (audio). With Elspeth, the heir to the throne of Valdemar, now of marriageable age, Talia, the Queen’s Own Herald, returns to court. Here, she finds the Queen and heir beset by diplomatic intrigue as various forces vie for control of Elspeth’s future. But just as Talia is about to uncover the traitor behind all these intrigues, she is sent off on a mission to the neighboring kingdom, chosen by the Queento investigate the worth of a marriage proposal from Prince Ancar. And, to her horror, Talia soon discovers there is far more going on at Prince Ancar’s court than just preparation for a hoped — for royal wedding. For a different magic than that of the Heralds is loose in Ancar’s realm — an evil and ancient sorcery that may destroy all of Valdemar unless Talia can send warning to her Queen in time.


  • Katherine Hooper

    KAT HOOPER, who started this site in June 2007, earned a Ph.D. in neuroscience and psychology at Indiana University (Bloomington) and now teaches and conducts brain research at the University of North Florida. When she reads fiction, she wants to encounter new ideas and lots of imagination. She wants to view the world in a different way. She wants to have her mind blown. She loves beautiful language and has no patience for dull prose, vapid romance, or cheesy dialogue. She prefers complex characterization, intriguing plots, and plenty of action. Favorite authors are Jack Vance, Robin Hobb, Kage Baker, William Gibson, Gene Wolfe, Richard Matheson, and C.S. Lewis.

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