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Fairest: Aza is no Ella

Fairest by Gail Carson Levine

Just as Gail Carson Levine‘s award-winning Ella Enchanted tackled the story of Cinderella, giving the story depth and meaning whilst simultaneously treating the reader to one of the best heroines and most realistic romances in all of Young Adult literature, Fairest purports to retell the fairytale of Snow White with a few twists.

Aza was abandoned as an infant at the Featherbed Inn and adopted by the innkeeper and his wife. Though loved by her family,

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A Chat with the Reverend Patrick Rothfuss

FanLit thanks Mark Pawlyszyn for contributing this interview with Patrick Rothfuss, author of The Kingkiller Chronicle Day 1: The Name of the Wind. His sequel, The Kingkiller Chronicle Day 2: A Wise Man’s Fear will be published in the future.

Mr Rothfuss won our first ever “Best Book of the Year” award (2007).

Mark: I think what I enjoyed most about The Name of the Wind is the lack of clichés and predictability. I loved that a certain mood would be set up,

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Stacia Kane talks about her Personal Demons and Unholy Ghosts

Beth Johnson interviews Stacia Kane, author of Personal Demons.

Beth: So for starters… one of the things I really loved about Personal Demons was Megan. She was a good, strong character without being one of those attitude-packing tough broads so common in urban fantasy. What made you decide to make her that way? Was that how you originally envisioned her, or did she end up having her own ideas?

Stacia Kane: It’s basically how I envisioned her from the beginning. While I enjoy reading stories about really tough girls sometimes,

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

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  1. Marion Deeds
  2. Kat Hooper
  3. Bill Capossere
February 2025