Spider woman with Nick Fury, image from Marvel ComicsSMOFCon, a convention for people who want to run a convention, is offering three scholarships. The con will be held in December in Lisbon, Portugal.

File 770 addresses the Twitter announcement that the Hugo Administrative Committee for DisCon II (WorldCon) has resigned en masse. The issue may be about space limitations imposed by the Con Committee.  Within the File 770 article is a link to one of the Pixel Scrolls that addresses that concern.

Dean Wesley Smith thinks that writers make things hard for themselves when they start thinking about making money too early in the writing process. He provides a list of “stupidities” writer commit. What’s your opinion?

One commentor chosen at random will win an ARC of M.A. Carrick’s The Mask of Mirrors.

Publishers Weekly has an interview with Dean Koontz. (Thanks to File 770.)

After last fall’s scandal, Paolo Defendini is all the way out at Fireside. Founder Brien White has stepped back in full time, and hired new editorial staff.

Premee Mohamad released the name of the third book in her End of the World series; the book will be called The Void Ascendant.

This is a few months old but it contains interesting speculation over who will lead the new Avengers.

Kotaku recommends the nature-building program Terra Nill.

The Mary Sue gives Disney’s Luca a lovely review.

Here’s an article about the complicated comic history of Spider Woman. I’d make a pun about how all her connections to the various groups are like the threads of a web, but…

Black Widow, Image from Mau fandom.com

Black Widow, Image from Mau fandom.com

Megan Fox stars in a new horror movie, Till Death. (I don’t like to be picky, but shouldn’t that be “Til Death?”) (Update: according to Dictionary.com, this usage of the word for “until” is correct.)

CBS’s one-season paranormal thriller Evil found new life on Paramount Plus. The A.V. Club recommends it.

In honor of Pride, here is an article from 2 years ago about five LGBTQ (or probably—in some cases we’re going by a euphemistic historical record) scientists who changed what we know of the world.

Would you like an Escheresque bookstore? (Thanks to Borderlands Books for this one.)

Ars Technica shares a tale of two skeletons; two Norse men, 500 who died 500 miles apart, and who were clearly related. The story isn’t that strange, just a reminder about connections, and also a reminder that Norse folks, especially Vikings, got around.

For Juneteenth, a song by Rhiannon Giddens, accompanied by Yo Yo Ma.




  • Marion Deeds

    Marion Deeds, with us since March, 2011, is the author of the fantasy novella ALUMINUM LEAVES. Her short fiction has appeared in the anthologies BEYOND THE STARS, THE WAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE, STRANGE CALIFORNIA, and in Podcastle, The Noyo River Review, Daily Science Fiction and Flash Fiction Online. She’s retired from 35 years in county government, and spends some of her free time volunteering at a second-hand bookstore in her home town.

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