Welcome to the second installment of Rename This Horrible Cover!
This week, I invite you to feast your eyes on this beauty. Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on in this picture. Is that a carriage? Being driven by Santa’s helpers? Are they avalanche surfing? Why are the people so skinny? Were they hunting for bones on the mountainside? Are those special cadaver sniffing horses? I really am so confused.
So dear readers, I turn to you. What’s a better name for this cover?
Every month we feature a new cover and your job is twofold:
1. Suggest a new title for the featured cover.
2. Suggest a fantasy cover you would like us to retitle for the next month. (Link to it on Amazon or elsewhere.)
You must do both parts to be eligible to win. The winner for retitling the cover may choose a book from the stacks. The winner of the book I pick for the next month’s cover will get to choose a book from our stacks.
Dear readers, it’s up to you now. What should we title this cover art?
I have no idea what’s going on on that cover but the red and green outfits remind me of elves so i’d re-title it An Alien Christmas.
And here’s the link to a cover to be re-titled
Goblins Were My Copilot–But We Crashed in the Mountains and They Ate Me
You almost made milk come out my nose with that one. Tricksy little goblins!
And who are you? It didn’t attribute your post.
Hmmm…. sometimes posts don’t attribute — I think it’s a glitch with Google Friend Connect. Might be best to sign.
StageCoach 2: A Zombie Mountain Christmas
The Trashcollectors.
Tragedy on 34th Street
Santa Claus WAS coming to Town
Alive! The original 18th Century Manuscript
The Carriage Crashers, starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson
The Sound of Music II: The Von Trapp Trap Trap!
1. Monsters in the Mountains, or We Crashed and We can’t get out.
2. re title for next month: http://www.amazon.com/Lord-Fading-Lands-C-Wilson/dp/0843959770/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1271361002&sr=1-4
This cover looks like the next Harry Potter book cover. So I will title it Harry Potter and the Abominable Quest.
The premises would be that the magical train shut down and this is the new form of transportation to Hogwarts.
Here is a cover to be retitled: http://amzn.to/a349kY
Weird that my name did not post with above title for Harry Potter and the Abominable Quest.
Submitted by: Robin K (Intense Whisper)
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I think I have it fixed now. Sorry for the multiple posts :)
Hm – Wow, first there’s the actual title Bonehunters. Then it says it’s a book of the fallen, in the middle of an avalanche. The drivers in red look vaguely Tibetan, which is where Monks live and the carriage is awash with monkey-ish people thingies all washed out looking and dressed in rag-like clothing that is completely weather inappropriate. Anyway, how about…
#6 – Sleigh-n
#5 – Winter of the Monkeys
#4 – Carriage Tipping for Fun and Profit
#3 – Revenge of the Tibetan Snow Monk ey ..People …Thingies…
#2 – Tibetan Monk-ey Business
(or … #1)
Fu Man Chu & The Avalanche of Death
Remind me to e-mail you the cover I want retitled fonext time…Moo ah ha ha ha
The goblins crashing in the mountains was moi. :)
Kelly Lasiter
Jinkies, it looks like Shaggy crashed the Magical Mystery Van. I just can’t come up with an appropriate ScoobyDoo title.
I do love the VonTrapp Trap Trap suggestion. That one almost made milk come out my nose.
I nominate this for next month.
Am I really the only one who thinks it looks like one of those enormous trash collector vehicles?
“Really Really Long But The Ending’s Worth It, Promise”
“Really Really Long But The Ending’s Worth It, Promise” :)
As an aside, that’s one of the reasons I was getting the British imports, at least until they started doing a simultaneous release. The British cover isn’t necessarily all that great — http://www.amazon.co.uk/Bonehunters-Malazan-Book-Fallen/dp/0593046307/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1271456481&sr=8-2 — but at least it’s not intolerable.
I now want to write the book “Carriage Tipping for Fun and Profit.”
I’ll put my entry in later.
Our lucky winner is……….Robin K!
Please contact Justin within 5 days after contest ends.