In the summer of 1897, English author H. Rider Haggard took a short vacation in Holland, and just as his winter holiday to the Holy Land in 1900 would inspire him to pen no fewer than three works — the nonfiction book A Winter Pilgrimage (1901), Pearl-Maiden (1903) and The Brethren (1904) — this sojourn to the land of the Dutch would also bear literary fruit. Thus, in 1899,
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Wow, sounds terrific. Adding it to my list.
Yes, the birds and small animals (often in silhouette) along with flowers, vines or other foliage; the young, attractive person's…
My opinions are mixed. I liked some of the older book art, I like some of the new art. There…
I like the title, too, Marion.
The only thing I remember about this one is that I loved the title. Thanks for the walk down memory…