KickstarterHere’s a cool Kickstarter: a Joe R. Lansdale novella with illustrations by Santiago Caruso. Lots of nice goodies for supporters, and a gorgeous project. The Kickstarter is in its last few days, and doesn’t have far to go to get over the top, so go see what you can do!

The winners of the World Fantasy Awards have been announced.

The winners of the British Fantasy Awards have been announced.

The winners of the Gemmell Awards for fantasy have been announced.

It’s already the time of year when “year’s best books” lists start getting published, with Publishers Weekly being the first out of the gate.fantasy and science fiction book reviews

GoodReads is looking to anoint its own bests, and is offering choices for votes in a large number of categories: horror; fantasy; paranormal fantasy; science fiction; young adult science fiction and fantasy; mysteries and thrillers; fiction; and debut authors, just to mention a few most likely to interest the readers of this column. Go vote for your favorite — or make notes of what GoodReads thinks are the best of the year and start reading.

fantasy and science fiction book reviewsHalloween may be over, but that’s no reason to stop reading scary fiction. The Huffington Post suggests 10 novels that will scare you out of your wits. And The Nerdist lists its top 10 favorite horror novels. I think Stephen King’s Pet Sematary frightened me more, and more lastingly, than just about any other novel I’ve ever read. And it sure looks like I need to get to Mark Danielewski’s House of Leaves real soon now; it’s on both lists. If you’d like to ensure that you’re reading books by women as well as those by men, be assured that horror by women is truly horrific; try these books recommended by A.C. Wise at SF Signal.

And speaking of evil cats (we were, weren’t we? That cat in lives on in my imagination), io9 has a list of the most evil cats in SF/F/H.

fantasy and science fiction book reviewsWouldn’t it be fun to read a horror novel from the monster’s point of view? I seem to remember someone doing that with the creature from “The Thing” — anyone remember who wrote that? Book Riot calls for ten monster memoirs. I’d read ‘em.

Just in case you haven’t found enough free on-line SF/F/H to read by following my Magazine Monday adventures, John DeNardo has some additional spots for you to try in a Kirkus Reviews piece.

Simon and Schuster is launching a new science fiction and fantasy imprint, as yet unnamed. Good news for us readers: more books!

Chuck Wendig has 25 reasons to love genre fiction, based on the speech that he gave at GenreCon in Brisbane, Australia this year. I especially like his note that SF and fantasy are subversive genres.

This car commercial has been around for a while, but it’s so funny (the only commercial I’ve ever voluntarily watched at least three times) that it’s worth linking just in case anyone missed it: Old Spock battles New Spock.


  • Terry Weyna

    TERRY WEYNA, on our staff since December 2010, would rather be reading than doing almost anything else. She reads all day long as an insurance coverage attorney, and in all her spare time as a reviewer, critic and writer. Terry lives in Northern California with her husband, professor emeritus and writer Fred White, two rambunctious cats, and an enormous library.

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