Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

Day: May 8, 2014


Thoughtful Thursday: Favorite debut authors

Generally, the first time we humans do something, we don’t do it well. My college roommate’s first time doing laundry on his own?

“But my mom put bleach in all the time.”
“No. No, she really didn’t.”

First time driving a clutch?

“ I can make that yellow light at the top of the hill.”
“No, you can’t. And it’s good practice to shift on a—”
Acceleration. Horns. Squealing. Maybe a scream.
“See? Told you I could make it.”

First time… well, we’ll stop there.

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Unwrapped Sky: An evocative setting, but an off-putting sense of distance

Unwrapped Sky by Rjurik Davidson 

Unwrapped Sky, the debut novel by Rjurik Davidson, has an evocative setting, an intriguing set-up, and an often lyrical and lovely prose style, but an off-putting distance between the reader and its characters/material works against these strengths, leaving more of a sense of “what could have been” than I would have preferred.

A clear denizen of the New Weird or Urban Weird, Unwrapped Sky introduces us to Caeli-Amur, an ancient city rising out of the dark ages brought about from the legendary God War and its ensuing Cataclysm,

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Dreamwalker: Friedman’s first Young Adult offering

Dreamwalker by C.S. Friedman

I’m a big fan of C.S. Friedman, so I was eager to get my hands on her latest novel, Dreamwalker. This is Friedman’s first Young Adult offering and while it doesn’t match the level of elegance, intelligence, inventiveness, and beauty of her adult novels, it’s better than most of what’s available on the YA shelves.

Jesse Drake is a high school student who stands out only because of the fractal-like art she produces. Her art is inspired by her dreams in which she visits other worlds.

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Next SFF Author: Ben Aaronovitch

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