I didn’t finish Shadowmancer, finally giving up about three-quarters of the way through after oh-so-painfully forcing my way through to that point.
The reasons for not finishing are pretty basic. The characters are mere shadows (no pun intended) of real people, offered up in mostly two-dimensional form with the occasional attempt at depth through clumsy and often lengthy interior exposition. Motivations are either never explored or shift with blinding speed. The plot is a pretty helpless muddle, filled with inconsistencies, gaps,
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I’m only a few chapters in but, if Wheeler’s selling this “Medium” as an analogy for his concept of a…
COMMENT As someone who has needed to have a precancerous sun growth removed from his forehead, Marion, I couldn't agree…
Our sentient sun is mean!
Shoot, I just handed the book on so I can't check, but I think this book takes places sooner than…
Is this part of the "New Management" branch of the Laundry Files? As in, has the Elder God Nyarlahotep taken…