Inked, by Eric Smith, was a solid if uninspiring YA book for much of the first half, albeit with some grating issues, but a downturn in the latter part of the book greatly lowered its entertainment value, leading to a “not recommended” judgment. As usual in these cases, this will be a relatively short review, as I prefer not to pile on an author whom I’m sure put a lot of hard work and love into their work.
The story centers on 18-year-old Caenum and his best friend Dreya,
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I’ve been using through despite a while conditions, and they’ve frankly been a game-changer against force and sleep. The…
I’m only a few chapters in but, if Wheeler’s selling this “Medium” as an analogy for his concept of a…
COMMENT As someone who has needed to have a precancerous sun growth removed from his forehead, Marion, I couldn't agree…
Our sentient sun is mean!
Shoot, I just handed the book on so I can't check, but I think this book takes places sooner than…