Kat chats with Dru Pagliassotti, author of Clockwork Heart, her first novel.
Clockwork Heart is your first published novel, but how long have you been writing?
Like most writers, since childhood. Up until college I worked on a baby blue Smith Corona typewriter, with which I typed reams and reams of fantasy fiction on slick, erasable typing paper. Does anyone remember how that stuff smudged, anymore? I collected some rejections and became discouraged — like most new writers, I considered my fiction an extension of myself and took the rejections personally.
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It’s been more than 10 years since I first read Bone with my son who just turned 23. I was…
Great minds think alike, Marion! The same thought occurred to me at one point while reading this book....
Interesting! I have to say I had a "Jim and Huck underwater" moment, reading your synopsis.
No doubt about it--I have to read these.