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SFF Author: Peter Orullian

Peter Orullian(1969- )
Peter Orullian grew up in Utah. After graduating from the University of Utah with a degree in English, he moved to Seattle and studied vocal performance and began writing while working as an editor and journalist. He has worked in marketing at Xbox for nearly a decade, most recently leading the Music and Entertainment marketing strategy for Xbox LIVE. His musical endeavors include performing on the Keep It True tour for both Heir Apparent and Fifth Angel, and creating albums with Inner Resonance and Continuum. As a writer, Peter has published several short stories including “Sacrifice of the First Sheason” and “The Great Defense of Layosah” on You can read excerpts of his first novel at Peter Orullian’s website.



The Unremembered: Unoriginal, hoping the sequel redeems it

The Unremembered by Peter Orullian

FORMAT/INFO: The Unremembered is 672 pages long divided over a Prologue and 80 titled chapters. Also includes a detailed map, which is available online HERE. Narration is in the third person via Tahn Junell; his sister Wendra; Tahn’s friend Sutter Te Polis; Braethen Posian; Helaina Storalaith, the regent of Recityv; the Sheason Vendanj; the Far Mira; a highwayman; and the sun-worn outcast. The Unremembered is the first volume in The Vault of Heaven fantasy series.

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Trial of Intentions: Issues of pacing and plot overwhelm an intriguing work

Trial of Intentions by Peter Orullian

I really want to like Trial of Intentions, Peter Orullian’s second novel in his VAULT OF HEAVEN series. I’d really like to recommend it. Not so much for its plot or characters or style, which mostly run from not so good to average, though he has his moments. But underneath the separate pieces of the novel, one has a sense, a somewhat tentative, barely tangible sense, that Orullian is trying to do something interesting here. And it’s for that tantalizing glimpse of the big picture,

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Where Music and Fantasy Intersect

Welcome to my first Expanded Universe column where I’ll be featuring essays from authors and editors of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, as well as from established readers and reviewers, talking about anything SFF related that interests us. My guest today is Peter Orullian, author of the VAULT OF HEAVEN series.

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I write epic fantasy. I’m also a musician. So, for me, when Kate and I corresponded on possible topics for an article,

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Next SFF Author: George Orwell
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  1. Marion Deeds
  2. So happy to hear that you enjoyed this article, Spacewaves! It was something of a labor of love for me,…

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