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SFF Author: Fiona McIntosh

Fiona McIntosh(1960- )
Fiona McIntosh lives in Australia. She was born in Brighton and between the ages of three and eight, travelled a lot to Africa due to her father’s work. At the age of nineteen she travelled first to Paris and later to Australia, where she has lived ever since. She has worked in public relations, marketing, and the travel industry. Learn more at Fiona McIntosh’s website.


Odalisque: A bad set-up novel

Odalisque by Fiona McIntosh

When I picked up Odalisque, it looked very promising. Fiona McIntosh creates an interesting harem setting (think Ottoman Empire) and some lively characters. Unfortunately, Odalisque doesn’t live up to its potential.

The characters are almost totally one-dimensional. All of the good guys are nice and humble while all of the bad guys are cruel and ambitious. Lazar, the main (and most likeable) character, is an amazing warrior, yet throughout the story he sits back, clenches his jaw,

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Royal Exile: Dry and dull, full of flat characters

Royal Exile by Fiona McIntosh

In Royal Exile, Fiona McIntosh returns to the same world of the Percheron Saga. Though the concept is exactly what makes for good epic fantasy, the writer’s execution does not bear it out. Wooden dialogue, information dumps, and characters indistinguishable from each other make this novel a sad caricature of its potential.

A tribal barbarian warlord by the name of Loethar is rapidly conquering the Set, a federation of kingdoms with a high medieval culture.

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Next SFF Author: J.T. McIntosh
Previous SFF Author: Maureen McHugh

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  1. Marion Deeds
  2. So happy to hear that you enjoyed this article, Spacewaves! It was something of a labor of love for me,…

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