The Diabolic (2016) is set in some distant future, when humans have settled the galaxy using spaceships that travel through hyperspace. Humanity has also been experimenting with genetic engineering, and for a period of time it becomes fashionable to purchase so-called Diabolics as bodyguards. Diabolics are cloned humans, engineered to have superior strength and resistance to sickness and poisons, and trained from early childhood to be skilled and ruthless fighters and killers, with no regard for anyone but the person they are chemically induced to love and protect.
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No doubt about it--I have to read these.
Pretty much as expected going into 2024, Nicola Griffith's Menewood was my pick for best book read in that year.…
Sounds intriguing!
[…] (Fantasy Literature): Horror authority Jack Sullivan, writing in the Jones & Newman book, tells us, regarding […]
What a dunderhead, not like the Horseclans series? I just like stories that are pure entertainment like these or Stirling's…