Filippo Bernardini was arrested last week on charges of wire fraud. The Simon and Schuster employee may have impersonated agents, members of award juries and even famous authors to get his hands on pre-published manuscripts. I want to know what he planned to do with those manuscripts.
The Con Committee chair of ConFusion provides a long, blunt article about why ConFusion 2022 is going forward in-person. She provides two paragraphs on the precautions they are taking. This is a worthwhile read, letting us see how groups are grappling with the physical and fiscal realities of the pandemic. (Thanks to File 770.)
Glen S. Miranker shares his love of Sherlock Holmes in 221 Objects at the Grolier Club, in New York City.

Adam West as Batman. Image, Guardian UK
Yahoo is doing a rewatch of all the 20th/21st century Batman movies (one wonders why). This included a movie-version of the campy 1960s TV show. The article discusses Adam West’s rather whiny memoir.
Nerds of a Feather reviews Sounding Dark, by Jo Graham. Sounds like fun space opera.
Know someone who’s looking for a new job? There is a small British island that needs a king/innkeeper. Yes, a king. Apparently the title is quasi-respectable and gender neutral, saying only that the candidate must “…love the female sex.”
Publishers Weekly offers some interesting writers with some interesting genre mashups.
Doctor Strange; in the Multiverse of Madness is slated to open in May, 2022. Here is the recent trailer. (I know I see Doctor Who everywhere, but does that final scene have a Whovian vibe?)
Ooh, that movie looks spectacular!
I mean, we’re seeing an Evil Dr. Strange there, aren’t we?